❤ Ravishing Jasmina is a bisexual girl who likes to run to stay fit. She was previously a gymnast. In her spare time, she enjoys a variety of quiet activities, like crafts and scrapbooking. ❤ “My bisexuality is very serious,” Jasmina says. “I’m not one of those girls who treat it like a gimmick. I know that in our industry there are girls who will play at being bisexual because they know that every guy has this fantasy of seeing two hot girls together. If you can make a guy think there’s some chance he’ll get to see that or, even better, that he’ll get to get in on it, well, sure, you’ve gotten his attention, and you can string him along. ❤ But when these pretend bisexuals get down to business, well, things don’t go like they picture it. I think you’re doing everybody a disservice when you do that. I would never treat my clients with that kind of disrespect. Not only that, but I would never try to sell them something, some promise of a future relationship, that can’t and won’t work out. What we do is not a guarantee of anything except companionship. But still. When you imply that things might happen that never will, that’s false advertising. It’s not how we do business here.” ❤
1 – hour: €250.-
2 – hours: €400.-
3 – hours: €500.-
6 – hours: €800.-
12 – hours: €1.200.-
24 – hours: €1.800.-