❤ Gorgeous Vanessa is a “clothes horse” who spends a lot of time searching for the perfect outfit. She also enjoys sewing and making her own clothes. She is very much into astrology and believes that the secret to all our lives can be found in our stars. She is an amateur painter, too. ❤ “The thing about women’s clothes,” says Vanessa, “is that you just never know how they’re going to fit when you buy them off the rack. Unless you are willing to go to a tailor and have custom clothes made, you’re always facing an unknown factor. So when you buy something that you think is your size, what fits in one store doesn’t fit in another. One brand and another brand that are the same size never fit the same. ❤ And even if the general size is correct, every woman’s body is shaped a little differently and proportioned a little differently. So women who wear the same size can’t wear the same dress or blouse or pants the same way. It’s amazing how difficult it can be to find clothes that actually fit well. So I spend a lot of time hoping to achieve just that.” ❤ Barcelona escorts and sexy call girls for you. Check out the hottest female escorts, pornstars, fashion models and celebrity escorts in Barcelona! ❤
1 – hour: € 200.-
2 – hours: € 350.-
3 – hours: € 500.-
6 – hours: € 800.-
12 – hours: € 1.200.-
24 – hours: € 1.800.-